I want to use the IF THIS THAN THAT service with the “Maker” plugin. So you can send an URL to trigger ITTT to do something.
I want to send this:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"value1":"$temp-wohnzimmer.temperature","value2":"$temp-wohnzimmer.humidity","value3":"$syssensor.diskusage"}' https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Testmail/with/key/ce3Ea7L1Rgo
When I try to make a rule I don’t get it… I became allways an Error Message.
I have try it like this:
execute "curl -X POST -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '{"value1\":\"$temp-wohnzimmer.temperature\",\"value2\":\"$temp-wohnzimmer.humidity\",\"value3\":\"$syssensor.diskusage\"}' https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Testmail/with/key/ce3Ea7L1Rgo"
Can someboby help me to debug the command?
Thanks Andre