I do not know if this is allowed here, maybe the wrong spot, but is found a trick to send sms via pimatic.
At home I use a VoIP service to make my calls. It’s a lot cheaper and yes am Dutch.
This is what I found:
Using HTML SMSlink
You can also send text messages (SMS) without using our software or accessing the website. Use the following link and fill in the desired data:
Explanation of the variables:
• username: your VoipBuster username
• password: your VoipBuster password
• from: your username or your verified phone number. Always use international format for the number starting with +, for instance +491701234567
• to: the number you wish to send the sms to. Always use international format starting with +, for instance +491701234567
• text: the message you want to send
so in my rules is says if the doorbell goes
execute “curl -s ‘https://www.voipbuster.com/myaccount/sendsms.php?username=MY-USERNAME&password=MY-PASSWORD&from=MY-USERNAME&to=MY-MOBILENUMBER&text=doorbell%20rang’”
Greetings Hans