Again and again I have the following problem: I open the pimatic with browser and there is a switch turned on. Without having pressed on the button, without rule. It looks like it only happens in the morning when at first open the pimatic page. And it turned so far only “Aussenlicht” or “Kaffee”.
I use Ubuntu with Firefox. Is it possible that Firefox loads the page from the cache and therefore the device on? I try to simulate the problem, but I am not yet succeeded.
Or is that a problem of a Rule or a bug?
Here a part of my Config:
"devices": [
"id": "home-switch",
"name": "Fritz outlet",
"class": "FritzOutlet",
"ain": "087610170044"
"id": "sonnenstand",
"name": "Sonne",
"class": "ShellSensor",
"attributeName": "time",
"attributeType": "string",
"attributeUnit": "",
"command": "sudo bash /home/pi/",
"interval": 3600000
"id": "sonnenaufgang",
"name": "Sonnenaufgang",
"class": "ShellSensor",
"attributeName": "time",
"attributeType": "string",
"attributeUnit": "",
"command": "curl -s|grep astronomy| awk -F\\\" '{print $2}'",
"interval": 43200
"id": "sonnenuntergang",
"name": "Sonnenuntergang",
"class": "ShellSensor",
"attributeName": "time",
"attributeType": "string",
"attributeUnit": "",
"command": "curl -s|grep astronomy| awk -F\\\" '{print $4}'",
"interval": 43200
"id": "nas",
"name": "NAS",
"class": "PingPresence",
"host": "",
"interval": 6000
"class": "ButtonsDevice",
"id": "rollButton3",
"name": "Dummy",
"buttons": [
"id": "rollbutton3",
"text": "Dummy"
"class": "DummyDimmer",
"id": "dummy-dimmer",
"name": "Dummy Dimmer"
"id": "swtest",
"name": "Kaffee",
"class": "ButtonsDevice",
"buttons": [
"id": "button-a",
"text": "04:15"
"id": "button-b",
"text": "07:15"
"id": "systembuttons",
"name": "System Befehle",
"class": "ButtonsDevice",
"buttons": [
"id": "button-reboot",
"text": "System reboot"
"id": "button-shutdown",
"text": "System shutdown"
"id": "button-pimatic-restart",
"text": "Pimatic restart"
"id": "vitrine",
"name": "Vitrine",
"class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
"protocols": [
"name": "switch2",
"options": {
"houseCode": 20,
"unitCode": 4
"id": "kaffee",
"name": "Kaffee",
"class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
"protocols": [
"name": "switch2",
"options": {
"houseCode": 20,
"unitCode": 8
"id": "aussenlicht",
"name": "Aussenlicht",
"class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
"protocols": [
"name": "switch2",
"options": {
"houseCode": 20,
"unitCode": 16
"id": "Radio_Ecke",
"name": "Radio_Ecke",
"class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
"protocols": [
"name": "switch3",
"options": {
"houseCode": 28,
"unitCode": 8,
"state": true
"id": "frei6",
"name": "frei6",
"class": "HomeduinoRFSwitch",
"protocols": [
"name": "switch3",
"options": {
"houseCode": 28,
"unitCode": 4
"id": "roll3",
"name": "RollLennart",
"class": "HomeduinoRFButtonsDevice",
"buttons": [
"id": "roll3-up",
"text": "Rauf",
"protocols": [
"name": "shutter3",
"options": {
"id": 128457074,
"channel": 1,
"command": "up"
"id": "roll3-stop",
"text": "Stop",
"protocols": [
"name": "shutter3",
"options": {
"id": 128457074,
"channel": 1,
"command": "stop"
"id": "roll3-down",
"text": "Runter",
"protocols": [
"name": "shutter3",
"options": {
"id": 128457074,
"channel": 1,
"command": "down"
"id": "roll1",
"name": "RollWohnzimmer",
"class": "HomeduinoRFButtonsDevice",
"buttons": [
"id": "roll1-up",
"text": "Rauf",
"protocols": [
"name": "shutter3",
"options": {
"id": 128457074,
"channel": 2,
"command": "up"
"id": "roll1-stop",
"text": "Stop",
"protocols": [
"name": "shutter3",
"options": {
"id": 128457074,
"channel": 2,
"command": "stop"
"id": "roll1-down",
"text": "Runter",
"protocols": [
"name": "shutter3",
"options": {
"id": 128457074,
"channel": 2,
"command": "down"
"rules": [
"id": "aussenlicht",
"name": "Aussenlicht an",
"rule": "if 04:00 or 30 minutes after sunset then turn Aussenlicht on",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "aussenlicht-aus",
"name": "Aussenlicht aus",
"rule": "if [its after sunrise and before sunrise and 23:45] or its 5 minutes after sunrise or its after 01:01am Aussenlicht is turned on then turn aussenlicht off after 15 minutes",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "kaffee-aus",
"name": "Kaffee aus",
"rule": "if Kaffee is turned on then turn kaffee off after 15 minutes",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "wasche-an",
"name": "Wäsche an",
"rule": "if its 06:00am then turn Fritz outlet on",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "wasche",
"name": "Wäsche aus",
"rule": "if Fritz outlet is turned on and [Fritz outlet is turned on for 2 minutes and $home-switch.power < 3 for 2 minutes] then turn Fritz outlet off and push message:\"Wäsche fertig\"",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "vitrine-an",
"name": "Vitrine an",
"rule": "if 45 minutes after sunset then turn vitrine on",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "buttona",
"name": "ButtonA",
"rule": "if button-a is pressed then set $variable1 to 1 and set $variable2 to 0",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "buttonb",
"name": "ButtonB",
"rule": "if button-b is pressed then set $variable2 to 1 and set $variable1 to 0",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "light-on-variable",
"name": "Kaffee on Variable",
"rule": "if [$variable1 = 1 and 04:15] or [$variable2 = 1 and 07:15] then turn Kaffee on",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "rolllennart",
"name": "RollLennart auf",
"rule": "if its 07:30 then press roll3-up and after 1 minutes press roll3-stop",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "rolllennart-runter",
"name": "RollLennart zu",
"rule": "if 21:00 or 20 minutes after sunset then press roll3-down and after 1 minutes press roll3-stop",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "rollwohnzimmer",
"name": "RollWohnzimmer auf",
"rule": "if its 08:30 then press roll1-up and after 1 minutes press roll1-stop",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "rollwohnzimmer-runter-2",
"name": "RollWohnzimmer zu",
"rule": "if 21:01 or 20 minutes after sunset then press roll1-down and after 1 minutes press roll1-stop",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "roll3",
"name": "Roll3",
"rule": "if $dummy-dimmer.dimlevel changes then press roll3-down and after 15000 ms press roll3-stop",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "system",
"name": "System",
"devices": [
"deviceId": "syssensor"
"deviceId": "syssensor1"
"deviceId": "syssensor2"
"deviceId": "nas"
"deviceId": "systembuttons"
"groups": [],
"users": [
"username": "admin",
"password": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"role": "admin"
"roles": [
"name": "admin",
"permissions": {
"pages": "write",
"rules": "write",
"variables": "write",
"messages": "write",
"events": "write",
"devices": "write",
"groups": "write",
"plugins": "write",
"updates": "write",
"config": "write",
"database": "write",
"controlDevices": true,
"restart": true
"variables": [
"name": "variable1",
"value": 0
"name": "variable2",
"value": 1
"name": "Aussenlicht",
"value": 0
"name": "dummy-dimmer",
"value": ""