Is there a way to GET the groups from the Pimatic API via a REST call? It’s possible to GET /api/devices and /api/pages, but what about groups? I understand they are pushed via the connection, but there should also be a REST analogue for this too.
GET /api/groups ?
@dgmltn Hi. As far as I can see this has not been implemented yet. So, you may want to add a feature request for it. As a work-around you can use GET /api/config as the groups (and the device ids per group) are also contained in the config.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
@mwittig Thanks!
@mwittig it looks like /api/config happens to work ok for groups (excluding all the extra data), but I went ahead and submitted a feature request here anyway: