Hi. I had a running Bot with Pimatic, but since i have installed the new Update, and i have deleted some old Devices, and Rules.

And since this action, i dont recieve Messenges from the Bot.

I have already deleted and re installed the Telegram app, but the Pimatic docs dont work any more, so i used the NPM tutorial:
[https://www.npmjs.com/package/pimatic-telegram](link url)

The Bot Token and the chat id are correct, i have tested it with https://api.telegram.org/bot…/sendmessage?chat_id=…&text=Alarm
I also have installed a recipients.

I also tested rebooting after installation and reboot after update.

Have anybody a idea?
Thanks a lot :-)

Here is my config file:
“settings”: {
“locale”: “en”,
“debug”: false,
“logLevel”: “info”,
“httpServer”: {
“enabled”: true,
“port”: 80
“database”: {
“deviceAttributeLogging”: [
“deviceId”: “",
“attributeName”: "
“type”: “",
“interval”: “0”,
“expire”: “7d”
“deviceId”: "
“attributeName”: “",
“type”: “continuous”,
“interval”: “5min”,
“expire”: “7d”
“deviceId”: "
“attributeName”: “temperature”,
“type”: “number”,
“expire”: “1y”
“deviceId”: “",
“attributeName”: “humidity”,
“type”: “number”,
“expire”: “1y”
“messageLogging”: [
“level”: "
“tags”: [],
“expire”: “7d”
“level”: “debug”,
“tags”: [],
“expire”: “0”
“authentication”: {
“secret”: “xxxxxxxxxx”
“httpsServer”: {},
“cors”: {},
“gui”: {}
“plugins”: [
“plugin”: “cron”
“plugin”: “mobile-frontend”
“plugin”: “dht-sensors”,
“active”: true
“plugin”: “gpio”,
“active”: true
“shell”: “”,
“plugin”: “shell-execute”,
“active”: true
“apiToken”: “+++++++++++++++”,
“recipients”: [
“name”: “MyAwsomePimatic_bot”,
“userChatId”: “+++++++++++”,
“enabled”: true,
“admin”: true
“plugin”: “telegram”,
“active”: true,
“host”: “api.telegram.org”,
“debug”: true
“devices”: [
“secret”: “change_me_now!”,
“auth_timeout”: 5,
“id”: “++++++++++”,
“name”: “MyAwsomePimatic_bot”,
“class”: “TelegramReceiverDevice”
“type”: 22,
“pinType”: “BCM GPIO”,
“pin”: 25,
“xAttributeOptions”: [],
“id”: “test”,
“name”: “DHT-22 IN BOX”,
“class”: “DHTSensor”,
“interval”: 60000
“gpio”: 4,
“id”: “abluft”,
“name”: “Abluft”,
“class”: “GpioSwitch”
“gpio”: 0,
“id”: “umluft”,
“name”: “Umluft”,
“class”: “GpioSwitch”
“type”: 22,
“pinType”: “BCM GPIO”,
“pin”: 13,
“xAttributeOptions”: [],
“id”: “dht-22-out-box”,
“name”: “DHT-22 OUT BOX”,
“class”: “DHTSensor”,
“interval”: 60000
“rules”: [
“id”: “reboot”,
“name”: “reboot”,
“rule”: “when its 24:00 then execute “/home/pi/Desktop/Reboot.sh””,
“active”: true,
“logging”: true
“pages”: [
“id”: “favourite”,
“name”: “Favourites”,
“devices”: [
“deviceId”: “test”
“deviceId”: “abluft”
“deviceId”: “dht-22-out-box”
“groups”: [],
“users”: [
“username”: “admin”,
“password”: “xxxxxxxxxx”,
“role”: “admin”
“roles”: [
“name”: “admin”,
“permissions”: {
“pages”: “write”,
“rules”: “write”,
“variables”: “write”,
“messages”: “write”,
“events”: “write”,
“devices”: “write”,
“groups”: “write”,
“plugins”: “write”,
“updates”: “write”,
“database”: “write”,
“config”: “write”,
“controlDevices”: true,
“restart”: true
“variables”: []

One Error Code i get after restart:
error [pimatic]: Unexpected token {

I have already found the problem. I had the wrong NPM and NodeJs installed. I have deleted pimatic, and i have installed the program, and it is running :)