I have added a new plugin to my github.com site for Woox RBGW Lights: https://github.com/SenTzu01/pimatic-woox.
Kudos where they are do: I borrowed heavily from @mwittig, @bertreb, and @kosta (pimatic-milight-reloaded, pimatic-dummies and pimatic-tradfri)
Before I NPM package it and release it to the general public please test it (git clone) and add to your config.json.
The Woox devices are basically Tuya, however, my plugin bypasses the Tuya Cloud service (Convenient if you want to switch on lights with no internet connection). It seems that every Tuya reseller can add their own key/value pairs, hence I cannot guarantee this will work for other Tuya resellers. Woox is sold in The Netherlands.
Follow these instructions first to get your deviceID and deviceKey.
Furthermore: I need a front-end dev help me to set the color on the color picker when updated outside pimatic or through the rules engine. (This is a bug I imported from pimatic-tradfri).
Godspeed and hope to hear you feedback.