To avoid questions about bad reception of 433MHz transmissions please have a look at this short threat here.
There are several RF receivers available but PLEASE go for the 3400 RF receiver since it’s worth the money !!
Make sure the quartz says 433 (there are also 315MHz devices available)
The back of it says RXB6
You will find it on ebay at several sellers for approx. 5 - 10 Euro
They have only limited range (mostly under 1 meter!).
You can solder an antenna and play with different voltages but this doesn’t help much.
Tips for other good RF receivers are very welcome
Tested receivers :
Picture | Type | Range | Notes |
RXB6 | 15 - 20 Meters | Best tested range, comes as bundle with transmittee as 3400RF or sold seperately. | |
RXB8 | 10 - 15 Meters | Good range, similar to RXB6, little bit smaller in size | |
SRX882 | < 5 Meters | Different findings about range and hardware. My findngs - not good! Very low range. Sold with sender STX882 which is not good either. Does not support all protocols. | |
Aurel AC-RX | < 5 Meters | Very low range, too expensive (appr. 8 Euro), not recommended! | |
xy-mk-5v | < 5 Meters | Very low range, not recommended! Sold with sender FS1000a which is ok to use. |