I would like to make you aware of the fact, that after I updated the firmware on my ConBee stick I ran into large trouble with my ZigBee steering.
The firmware update on the stick to Vers. 2.05.75, 264A0700 causes the problem, that at some point of time in the night the stick completely forgets his network, resp. nearly all devices in it.
I was lucky yet, that he did a re-connect of all of them after >4hours, but on GitHub are cases mentioned where users seems to have all devices newly learned via the Phoscon App.
So my hint: Wait for the next firmware version before updating your stick.
I wrote this here, as I also was a beginner, and I’m still learning, who in my starting phase with Pimatic and ConBee didn’t read on GitHub
… and although I do so now, I missed the already existing threats about the current firmware issues.