I´m not sure if this is the information you are asking for…
Please forget the values before 2 p.m. <- wrong setup of the device.
The timestamp after 2 p.m is changing every 15 minutes as expected.
A few questions to isolate the problem:
Is the timestamp of the value also the same or does it increases after 7 hours?
- Could you please specify “timestamp”
Are you sure that the actual value is changing
- Yes, I can see the changes in the event log
What is the result if you take a shorter periode like i did (60 minutes delay with 15 minutes timeSample)
Did you use the latest version 0.0.5. Because earlier version had a wrong delay periode (like times 10)
- I just saw that i´m still on version 0.0.2
I will test now the newest version and report again.