i must install pimatic new… and now, after apt-get upgrade
is try to install a installation
this is my actually log:
pi@pimatic:~/pimatic-app $ sudo node_modules/pimatic/pimatic.js
19:48:57.202 2019-12-20 Friday
19:49:03.496 [pimatic] Starting pimatic version 0.9.54
19:49:03.507 [pimatic] Node.js version 10.16.3
19:49:03.510 [pimatic] OpenSSL version 1.1.1c
19:49:04.816 [pimatic] Could not find a device with the ID "poolhaus" from group "pool-und-wassersteuerung" in devices config section.
19:49:04.825 [pimatic] Could not find a device with the ID "poolhaus" from page "wohnzimmer" in devices config section.
19:49:07.421 [pimatic, ppm] 2.15.12
19:49:07.474 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-cron" (0.8.8)
19:49:08.315 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-mobile-frontend" (0.9.16)
19:49:09.367 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-homeduino" (0.9.18)
19:49:10.361 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-openweather" (0.9.4)
19:49:10.435 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-wakeonlan" (0.9.4)
19:49:10.479 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-ping" (0.9.5)
19:49:10.547 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-shell-execute" (0.9.11)
19:49:10.592 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-sunrise" (0.9.3)
19:49:10.835 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-sysinfo" (0.9.6)
19:49:11.160 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-hap" (0.12.1)
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=node>
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=node&f=DNSServiceRegister>
19:49:12.272 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-pushbullet" (0.9.0)
19:49:13.029 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-metar-weather" (0.9.2)
19:49:13.528 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-mqtt" (0.9.13)
19:49:13.928 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-mysensors" (0.9.2)
19:49:14.021 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-echo" (0.5.4)
19:49:14.410 [pimatic] Invalid config of pimatic-echo: Property "trace" is not a valid property
19:49:14.418 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-charts" (0.0.4)
19:49:14.447 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-fritz" (0.6.7)
19:49:16.053 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-hue-zll" (0.3.1)
19:49:16.646 [pimatic-cron] the time is: Fri Dec 20 2019 19:49:16 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
19:49:17.609 [pimatic-sunrise] Your location is set to lat: 52.XXXX, long: 13.XXXX
19:49:17.693 [pimatic-hap] Starting homekit bridge
19:49:18.260 [pimatic] Could not initialize the plugin "mysensors": Cannot find module 'serialport'
19:49:18.514 [pimatic-echo] Starting pimatic-echo...
Backwards compatibility shim for node-hue-api.
This shim provides a limited backporting of the features available in the updated API in v3.x.
This will be removed in v4.x of node-hue-api.
You need to migrate your code to use the new API available via import
Please consult the documentation at https://github.com/peter-murray/node-hue-api for the documentation on the new API.
create() is deprecated, use createRemote(), createLocal() or createInsecureLocal() instead.
19:49:19.050 [pimatic-hue-zll] Requesting status of lights, light groups and scenes from the Hue API
19:49:19.347 [pimatic-sysinfo] Mounted File Systems: /, /boot
19:49:19.400 [pimatic-mqtt] Successfully connected to MQTT Broker default
19:49:19.609 [pimatic] New device "Garten Wässern"...
19:49:19.680 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "raingauge" of class "MySensorsMulti"!
19:49:19.769 [pimatic] New device "Gartenwasser Terasse"...
19:49:19.836 [pimatic] New device "System"...
19:49:19.884 [pimatic] New device "Fernseher Samsung"...
19:49:19.930 [pimatic] New device "IPhone Carsten"...
19:49:19.960 [pimatic] New device "IPhone Jessica"...
19:49:19.995 [pimatic] New device "Spiegel"...
19:49:20.044 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "steckdoseaussen2": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.053 [pimatic] New device "Aussen 2"...
19:49:20.086 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "steckdose5": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.091 [pimatic] New device "Raspberry Spiegel"...
19:49:20.131 [pimatic] New device "Terrarium"...
19:49:20.183 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "jalousie": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.190 [pimatic] New device "Jalousie"...
19:49:20.233 [pimatic] New device "synology"...
19:49:20.256 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "nas": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.298 [pimatic] New device "NaS"...
19:49:20.383 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "dashbutton" of class "AmazingDashButton"!
19:49:20.418 [pimatic] New device "Magic Mirror"...
19:49:20.467 [pimatic] New device "Spiegel ping"...
19:49:20.502 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "prog-kuche": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.507 [pimatic] New device "Küche Jalousie"...
19:49:20.573 [pimatic] New device "TXL"...
19:49:20.601 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "dash-1" of class "AmazingDashButton"!
19:49:20.625 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "gartenwasser-rechts": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.630 [pimatic] New device "Gartenwasser Rechts"...
19:49:20.655 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "gartenwasser-links": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.659 [pimatic] New device "Gartenwasser Links"...
19:49:20.691 [pimatic] New device "WiFi Signal"...
19:49:20.698 [pimatic] Got string value for attribute WiFi of MqttSensor but attribute type is number.
19:49:20.742 [pimatic] New device "Wetter"...
19:49:20.794 [pimatic] New device "Wetter vorhersage"...
19:49:20.854 [pimatic] Invalid config of device "gpio3": Property "echo" is not a valid property
19:49:20.858 [pimatic] New device "gpio13"...
19:49:20.872 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "rain" of class "MySensorsMulti"!
19:49:20.883 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "regen" of class "MySensorsMulti"!
19:49:20.895 [pimatic] No plugin found for device "temp" of class "MySensorsDHT"!
19:49:20.927 [pimatic] New device "Regen"...
19:49:20.950 [pimatic] New device "Gaskorrektur"...
19:49:20.989 [pimatic] Can't apply xAttributeOptions for "". Device Gas Verbrauch has no attribute with this name
19:49:20.992 [pimatic] New device "Gas Verbrauch"...
19:49:21.018 [pimatic] New device "GasCount"...
19:49:21.049 [pimatic] New device "Zählerstand"...
19:49:21.067 [pimatic] New device "Gaszähler"...
19:49:21.127 [pimatic] New device "1stday"...
19:49:21.165 [pimatic] New device "Verrauch pro Stunde"...
19:49:21.194 [pimatic] New device "Gaszähler ESP direkt"...
19:49:21.216 [pimatic] New device "Gestern"...
19:49:21.246 [pimatic] New device "Schlafzimmer"...
19:49:21.278 [pimatic] New device "Thermostat Schlafzimmer"...
19:49:21.321 [pimatic] New device "Temperatur Schlafzimmer"...
19:49:21.346 [pimatic] New device "PC Desktop"...
19:49:21.379 [pimatic] New device "Stehlampe-hue"...
19:49:21.429 [pimatic] New device "Ecklampe"...
19:49:21.462 [pimatic] New device "Tisch"...
19:49:21.494 [pimatic] New device "Spiegel-hue"...
19:49:21.523 [pimatic] New device "Couchlicht 2"...
19:49:21.554 [pimatic] New device "Couchlicht 1"...
19:49:21.583 [pimatic] New device "Router hue"...
19:49:21.610 [pimatic] New device "Max Wandlicht"...
19:49:21.638 [pimatic] New device "Lampe"...
19:49:21.671 [pimatic] New device "Pflanzenlicht"...
19:49:21.697 [pimatic] New device "Go"...
19:49:21.729 [pimatic] New device "Esszimmer"...
19:49:21.764 [pimatic] New device "Pooltemperatur"...
19:49:21.784 [pimatic] New device "Poolpumpe hue"...
19:49:21.808 [pimatic] New device "Terrasse Wasser"...
19:49:21.852 [pimatic] New device "Terassenbew"...
19:49:21.879 [pimatic] The id of garten hinten contains a non alphanumeric letter or symbol.
19:49:21.879 [pimatic]>This could lead to errors.
19:49:21.882 [pimatic] New device "Gartenlicht"...
19:49:21.911 [pimatic] New device "Fenster rechts"...
19:49:21.940 [pimatic] New device "Fenster links"...
19:49:21.968 [pimatic] New device "Treppe"...
19:49:31.952 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when it is 00:00 or when it is 07:30 then turn Aussen 2 off and turn gartenhinten off": Could not find an provider that provides the next action of "turn gartenhinten off".
19:49:31.956 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when sunset starts or when its 06:00 then turn Aussen 2 on and turn gartenhinten on": Could not find an provider that provides the next action of "turn gartenhinten on".
19:49:31.960 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when [it is Monday or thursday or wednesday or tuesday or friday] and it is 06:15 then turn steckdose4 on": Could not find an provider that provides the next action of "turn steckdose4 on".
19:49:31.964 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when dash-1 is closed then toggle steckdose4": Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "dash-1 is closed".
19:49:31.967 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when it is 22:30 and Regen of Regenmessung is less than 1.5 and Tag 3 of Regenmessung is less than 10.0 then turn garten-wassern on and push title:"Gartenwasser" message:"Regen gestern $raingauge.Tag 1" and after 20 minutes turn garten-wassern off": Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "Regen of Regenmessung is less than 1.5 and Tag 3 of Regenmessung is less than 10.0"., Expected a new predicate after last "and".
19:49:31.970 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when $raingauge.Regen increased then $rainhour = $rainhour + 1": Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "$raingauge.Regen increased".
19:49:31.975 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when CD is pressed then turn on Bluetooth and after 10 seconds dim Lautstärke to 50%": Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "CD is pressed".
19:49:31.978 [pimatic] Could not parse rule "when anlage is turned off then turn Bluetooth off": Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "anlage is turned off".
19:49:33.579 [pimatic-echo] started hue emulator on port 80
19:49:33.586 [pimatic-sysinfo] Network Interfaces: lo, eth0
(node:5298) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: socket hang up
at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:323:15)
at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:426:23)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:203:15)
at TLSSocket.emit (/home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic/startup.coffee:64:24)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
(node:5298) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 2)
(node:5298) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
(node:5298) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: socket hang up
at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:323:15)
at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:426:23)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:203:15)
at TLSSocket.emit (/home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic/startup.coffee:64:24)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
(node:5298) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 3)
19:49:34.280 [pimatic-fritz] Re-establishing session at http://fritz.box
19:49:34.498 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] packing static assets
19:49:37.972 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] packing static assets finished
19:49:37.982 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] rendering html
19:49:46.811 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] rendering html finished
(node:5298) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: socket hang up
at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:323:15)
at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:426:23)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:203:15)
at TLSSocket.emit (/home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic/startup.coffee:64:24)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
(node:5298) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 4)
19:49:47.551 [pimatic-homeduino] Connected to homeduino device.
19:49:48.246 [pimatic-fritz] Switch AINs:
19:49:48.594 [pimatic-fritz] Thermostat AINs: 119600682000
19:49:48.839 [pimatic-fritz] Contact sensor AINs:
can anyone tell me what is wrong? @mwittig or @developer
Thank you very much.