I’ve updatet my pimatic system from node 4 to node 8. All reinstalled, but the shell execute plugin doesn’t work.
What can I do?
The LOG of Pi3+ with Stretch:
20:11:08.272 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-shell-execute" (0.9.11)
coffee-cache: compiling coffee-script file "shell-execute.coffee"...Done
and than
20:11:38.320 [] error: [ShellSensor#system-time] Error: spawn date +NaN.%m.%Y" "%H:%M" "%Z ENOENT
20:11:38.324 [pimatic-tplink-smartplug] error: Unable to get consumption of device: Error: TCP Timeout
20:11:38.327 [pimatic-tplink-smartplug] error: Unable to get power state of device: Error: TCP Timeout
20:11:38.329 [pimatic-tplink-smartplug] error: Unable to get power state of device: Error: TCP Timeout
20:11:38.337 [pimatic-tplink-smartplug, TPlinkHS110] error: Error getting attribute value tp-steckdose-a.state: undefined
20:11:38.443 [pimatic-raspbee] error: Connection could not be establised
20:11:38.444 [pimatic-raspbee] error: Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
(node:18392) PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 1)
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn date +%d.%m.%Y" "%H:%M" "%Z ENOENT
20:11:39.106 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSensor#system-uptime] Error: spawn sudo bash /home/pi/uptime.sh ENOENT
20:11:39.108 [pimatic-tplink-smartplug] error: Unable to get power state of device: Error: TCP Timeout
20:11:39.318 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable tp-steckdose-a.state: undefined
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn sudo bash /home/pi/uptime.sh ENOENT
20:11:40.068 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSensor#pimatic-version] Error: spawn cat /home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic/package.json | grep version\": |awk {'print $2'}|sed 's/,//g' |sed 's/"//g' ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn cat /home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic/package.json | grep version\": |awk {'print $2'}|sed 's/,//g' |sed 's/"//g' ENOENT
20:11:40.282 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSensor#homeduino-version] Error: spawn cat /home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-homeduino/package.json |grep version\": |awk {'print $2'}|sed 's/,//g' |sed 's/"//g' ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn cat /home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-homeduino/package.json |grep version\": |awk {'print $2'}|sed 's/,//g' |sed 's/"//g' ENOENT
20:11:40.382 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSensor#pimatic-version-git] Error: spawn curl -s https://github.com/pimatic/pimatic/blob/master/package.json | grep version | grep span | awk -F\> {'print $11'} | awk -F\< {'print $1'}
20:11:40.382 [pimatic-shell-execute] error:> ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn curl -s https://github.com/pimatic/pimatic/blob/master/package.json | grep version | grep span | awk -F\> {'print $11'} | awk -F\< {'print $1'}
20:11:40.449 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSensor#homeduino-version-git] Error: spawn curl -s https://github.com/pimatic/pimatic-homeduino/blob/v0.9.x/package.json | grep version | grep span | awk -F\> {'print $11'} | awk -F\< {'print $1'}
20:11:40.449 [pimatic-shell-execute] error:> ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn curl -s https://github.com/pimatic/pimatic-homeduino/blob/v0.9.x/package.json | grep version | grep span | awk -F\> {'print $11'} | awk -F\< {'print $1'}
20:11:40.509 [] error: [ShellSensor#system-date] Error: spawn date +NaN.%m.%Y ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn date +%d.%m.%Y ENOENT
20:11:40.593 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSensor#wasseruhr] Error: spawn rrdtool lastupdate /home/pi/water-counter/water.rrd | tail -1 | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn rrdtool lastupdate /home/pi/water-counter/water.rrd | tail -1 | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 ENOENT
20:11:40.704 [pimatic-raspbee] error: websocket keep alive error, try to reconnect
20:11:40.756 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellPresenceSensor#ebusd-presence] Error: spawn pgrep ebusd >/dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 ENOENT
Unhandled rejection Error: spawn pgrep ebusd >/dev/null && echo 1 || echo 0 ENOENT
20:11:40.818 [pimatic-shell-execute, ShellPresenceSensor] error: Error getting attribute value ebusd-presence.presence: undefined
20:11:40.872 [pimatic] warn: Could not update variable ebusd-presence.presence: undefined
20:11:40.929 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellPresenceSensor#vaillant_flame_presence] Error: spawn ebusctl read sdflame | head -1 | sed 's/on/1/g' | sed 's/off/0/g' ENOENT
20:11:40.937 [pimatic-raspbee] info: Connection establised
20:11:40.938 [pimatic-raspbee] info: Name Raspbee
20:11:40.939 [pimatic-raspbee] info: API 1.16.0