I just added the pimatic-underground plugin and added a device.
Upon Editing the device from Pimatic edit I see the warning "[unexpected token <square symbol>].
The <square symbol> is a character presenting a square.
What is wrong?
I have been surching for a special charactor in my JSON file but can’t find one.
My Device definition (of course I inserted my APIkey and pws):
"id": "Weerstation-WS5500",
"name": "Weerstation WS5500",
"class": "WundergroundHistoryDevice",
"apiKey": "MyAPIkey",
"pws": "MyPWS",
"timeOffset": 0,
"attributes": [
"name": "rain",
"label": "Regen",
"unit": "mm"
"name": "temperature",
"label": "T",
"unit": "°C"
"name": "humidity",
"label": "RH",
"unit": "%"
"name": "precip",
"label": "Neerslag",
"unit": "mm"
"name": "precip_total",
"label": "Neerslag (dag)",
"unit": "mm"
"name": "solarradiation",
"label": "Zon",
"unit": "W/m2"
"name": "uv",
"label": "UV"
"xAttributeOptions": [
"name": "rain",
"displaySparkline": true,
"hidden": true
"name": "temperature",
"displaySparkline": true
"name": "humidity",
"displaySparkline": true
"name": "precip",
"displaySparkline": true
"name": "precip_total",
"displaySparkline": true
"name": "solarradiation",
"displaySparkline": true
"name": "uv",
"displaySparkline": true