Hi all,
maybe a stupid question, but is it possible to combinate the current cloud based HUE bridge and e.g. the pimatic echo plugin. Means would devices from the emulator be shown in the new HUE bridge?
I am still searching for a simple way to get access as well from my google assistant to my pimatic devices. My echo is nice to control pimatic and some other stuff, but the google assistant is helpful as well for other stuff beside this. My echo has more often no answers as the google assistant.
Combine new HUE brigde and HUE emulator like Pimatic echo plugin
@ortin pimatic-echo could be patched to work with google assistant I guess. But then i would need a new name for the plugin
. I think other projects like openhab have already implemented this (https://www.openhab.org/addons/integrations/hueemulation/)
pimatic-hap - pimatic HomeKit bridge
pimatic-echo - Amazon echo integration
pimatic-dash-button - Amazon dash button support
pimatic-alarm - pimatic alarm system
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@OrTiN, I made an experimental plugin with gBridge. It’s for connecting a small number of Pimatic devices to Google Assistant. It’s still under development but i could use some friendly users for testing
You can find it in the browse plugin tab of Pimatic plugins page. It’s named pimatic-gbridgeA pimatic-echo look-a-like for Google Assistant is of course nicer!
Will test it as far as I could!
@michbeck100: This sounds interessting as well. If you know what is to do I would really go to deeply test it. My way via IFTTT has to long runtimes…
I still fighting with the initial question. Is a V2 Hue GW able to handle Hue V1/Emulated devices? Do we have Hue GW V2 owner here?
@michbeck100: The support for Hue V1 GW (and therefore also for Hue emulators) was dropped two years ago. I remember to a discussion we had to that time here on pimatic regarding this. People who had this configured from the beginning (as it was supported) are happy with it if they don’t need to reset the Google Speaker. After reset they need to move to a V2 gen GW. I found some forum entries in the net. Seems the only way is to make a cloud service.