What I understood the pimatic ECA (Event, Condition, Action) rule system works as follows:
If you use the AND in an event string, all conditions should be true. It doesn’t matter which event became true first.
When you use < event> AND IF <condition> , then only if the condition is already true and the event condition becomes true (triggers), the total rule become true.
If you use the OR in the event condition, than the first event condition that becomes true, triggers already the rule.
@lschip you could try to use the AND IF and i think you should switch the 2 conditions. So the rule becomes:
$sonoff-energy.ENERGY.Power < 100 for 3 minutes then xxxx AND IF PIR is absent for 60 minutes.
So the PIR should be absent for at least 60 minutes and after that the $sonoff could trigger the rule.