I´m just installed buster on my raspi. Which node version should i take? According to the (maybe very old ) tutorial it should be version 4.6.2 .
Is this correct?
Thanks a lot.
Which node version?
@limbi said in Which node version?:
I´m just installed buster on my raspi. Which node version should i take? According to the (maybe very old ) tutorial it should be version 4.6.2 .
Which tutorial are you referring to?
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
I think he means this: https://pimatic.org/guide/getting-started/installation/
@Limbi: Check this out: https://pimatic.teamemo.com/Guide/Getting-Started
@OrTiN : You are right.
Thanks for the link. That helps! -
with node v10 don´t work the installation on Pi3 with stretch!pi@PI_Raspbee:~ $ /usr/bin/env node --version v10.16.3
pi@PI_Raspbee:~ $ npm install pimatic --prefix pimatic-app --production /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npmlog/log.js:57 log.progressEnabled = log.gauge.isEnabled() ^ TypeError: log.gauge.isEnabled is not a function at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npmlog/log.js:57:33) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js:22:13 at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js:152:3)
With node v4 run it!
pi@PI_Raspbee:/usr/local $ /usr/bin/env node --version v4.6.2
pi@PI_Raspbee:~ $ npm install pimatic --prefix pimatic-app --production npm WARN engine har-validator@5.1.3: wanted: {"node":">=6"} (current: {"node":"4.6.2","npm":"2.15.11"}) npm WARN engine punycode@2.1.1: wanted: {"node":">=6"} (current: {"node":"4.6.2","npm":"2.15.11"}) pimatic@0.9.53 pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic ├── cookie-parser@1.4.4 (cookie-signature@1.0.6, cookie@0.3.1) ├── connect-timeout@1.9.0 (on-headers@1.0.2, ms@2.0.0, on-finished@2.3.0, http-errors@1.6.3) ├── cross-spawn@5.1.0 (shebang-command@1.2.0, lru-cache@4.1.5, which@1.3.1) ├── method-override@2.3.10 (methods@1.1.2, vary@1.1.2, parseurl@1.3.3, debug@2.6.9) ├── cookie-session@1.3.3 (on-headers@1.0.2, cookies@0.7.3, debug@2.6.9) ├── body-parser@1.19.0 (content-type@1.0.4, bytes@3.1.0, depd@1.1.2, on-finished@2.3.0, qs@6.7.0, http-errors@1.7.2, raw-body@2.4.0, debug@2.6.9, type-is@1.6.18, iconv-lite@0.4.24) ├── logrotate-stream@0.2.5 (byt@0.1.0, log-rotate@0.2.8, optimist@0.6.1) ├── request-promise@2.0.1 (bluebird@2.11.0, request@2.88.0) └── yet-another-jsonlint@1.0.1 (commander@2.20.0, JSV@4.0.2) pi@PI_Raspbee:~ $
Work with node4, it´s your time!
Nice day.Pimatic, my hobby.
@Jens for me this combinations works really nice… pi3, stretch, node 10.16… no problems at all.
Some weeks ago I had the same outcome as Jens. It was not possible to install Pimatic on Node 10 (coming from Node 8.x). It was only a fast try to get it running, therefore I spent no further time to it.
In the meanwhile I start to virtualize my system with Proxmox. Pimaitc under Debian Buster with Node 10 can be installed there without any problem. Maybe it is only a problem when Node gets updated (I followed this instruction) and not fresh installed. -
i use a self-created docker image
also based on node 10.6.3 and have no problems. -
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and a Raspberry Pi 3+ with Stretch and Pimatic in use. At both Pi´s a new installation does not work, as described in the 2 link! In the near future I will upgrade to a Pi 4 4GB, then I will take the time to install node V.10.MfG, Jens.
Pimatic, my hobby.
I’ve done a new, fresh installation on a Raspberry PI 3 B v1.2 with stretch and node 10.16.3 without any issue (installation was done referring to the pimatic wiki).
Major problem with pimatic and node 10 are the missing upgraded plugins. As an example, pimatic-mysensors is essential for me. It can’t be installed inside from pimatic, and need at the moment a manual installation by implementing the required node 10 upgrade changes documented by Daniel Böber in the pimatic-mysensors github repository.Linux stretch 4.14.79-v7+ #1159 SMP Sun Nov 4 17:50:20 GMT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
14:47:40.641 [pimatic] info: Starting pimatic version 0.9.53 14:47:40.651 [pimatic] info: Node.js version 10.16.3 14:47:40.653 [pimatic] info: OpenSSL version 1.1.1c 14:47:43.801 [pimatic, ppm] info: 2.15.12 14:47:43.830 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-cron" (0.8.8) 14:47:44.413 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-mobile-frontend" (0.9.16) 14:47:45.677 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-homeduino" (0.9.18) 14:47:46.864 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-mysensors" (0.9.3) 14:47:46.969 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-ping" (0.9.5) 14:47:47.060 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-shell-execute" (0.9.11) 14:47:47.117 [pimatic] info: Loading plugin: "pimatic-sunrise" (0.9.3) 14:47:47.420 [pimatic-cron] info: the time is: Sun Sep 22 2019 14:47:47 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) 14:47:49.033 [pimatic-sunrise] info: Your location is set to lat: 51.101389, long: 8.527577 14:47:49.218 [pimatic-mysensors] info: Connected to MySensors Gateway. 14:47:49.486 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: packing static assets 14:47:50.365 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: packing static assets finished 14:47:50.375 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: rendering html 14:47:59.640 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] info: rendering html finished 14:47:59.686 [pimatic] info: Listening for HTTP-request on port 80...
I’m also a MySensor and a Smartmeter user. They both use an old version of the serialport library thats blocking the upgrade to node v10. For smartmeters i’ve build a node v10 compatible plugin with some extra functionality pimatic-smartmeter-obis.
For Mysensors I asked the builder (Dheeraj) a few days ago if he could integrate the pull request from Daniel Böber. He responded positive. So it looks promising! -
@mrsponti said in Which node version?:
I’ve done a new, fresh installation on a Raspberry PI 3 B v1.2 with stretch and node 10.16.3 without any issue (installation was done referring to the pimatic wiki).
Major problem with pimatic and node 10 are the missing upgraded plugins. As an example, pimatic-mysensors is essential for me. It can’t be installed inside from pimatic, and need at the moment a manual installation by implementing the required node 10 upgrade changes documented by Daniel Böber in the pimatic-mysensors github repository.How can I install the changes from Daniel Böber?
Today I saw that (Dheeraj) did his update to node v10 about 2 or 3 days ago in his master branch.
When will this be pushed to NPM