for example here is my config from a sonoff with dht22.
Pimatic mit ESP8266 - NodeMCU oder ESP-01
Hey, sorry das ich mich so lange nicht gemeldet hab. Die letzten Tage waren sehr stressig.
Danke für die Screenshots. Mit diesen Einstellungen funktioniert es. Woher bekommt man denn die Einstellungen für “IDX/Var” bzw. wodurch ergibt sich der Wert?
Und welche dieser Werte:1802868875 : DHT : Temperature: 24.70
1802868875 : DHT : Humidity: 62.60Frage ich denn davon nun in Pimatic ab?
Einige von euch verwenden mit Pimatic und MQTT offenbar um Relais zu schalten nutzt ihr dafür die “normalen” Relais wie z.B. diese hier?
Oder nutzt ihr andere um 230V sicher schalten zu können?Viele Grüße
Hey, sorry I haven’t contacted you in so long. The last days were very stressful.
Thanks for the screenshots. With these settings it works. Where do I get the settings for “IDX/Var” or what is the value?
And which of these values:1802868875 : DHT : Temperature: 24.70
1802868875 : DHT : Humidity: 62.60Do I ask about it now in Pimatic?
Some of you use with Pimatic and MQTT apparently to switch relays you use the “normal” relays like this one?
Or do you use others to switch 230V safely?Many greetings
AzraelTranslated with
I’m just using tasmota right now. I have tried Espeasy. I had it on a NodeMCU for some time to control a display with ws2812. Unfortunately some of the LEDs flash uncontrolled. Maybe the problem was not EspEasy. I’ve made some changes to the circuit since then. Now the display works without problems with tasmota 6.5. Otherwise I have tasmota on all devices, from version 5.11 to 6.5.
On about 10 devices. The handling is the same everywhere. I find it easier this way.
As long as I don’t need any of the sensors that espeasy supports, I will probably stay with tasmota. Furthermore, I have a quick overview of all devices with the tasmota device manager (TDM) . The TDM even shows devices that are in the subnetwork."Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect." 09-28-2003, LINUS TORVALDS (