I have been trying to get pimatic to receive the signals from my weather station’s 433 MHz remote temperature sensor. I’m also using the receiver salvaged from that weather station (the receiver happened to be on it’s own PCB, so easy to salvage). I know both worked very recently (until the screen of the weather station broke!). I’m connecting the receiver directly to the GPIO pins on my raspberry pi 3B+.
Pimatic is reporting nothing at all - what I’m struggling to work out is if I’ve mis-configured something, or if I’ve got a hardware problem. I know the receiver is sending something to the PI, because some simple code to log changes in value on the data pin shows lots of activity when the temperature sensor sends a signal. However, I get nothing at all from pimatic. When the sensor is not sending, there is some noise being received, but if that was distorting the signal, I’d kind of expect some errors from pimatic about receiving a signal that doesn’t match the required format or something similar.
I’ve tried pimatic with homeduino installed (using the layereight version of vhduino so that I can use it with the latest kernal version - https://github.com/layereight/virtualhomeduino). Pimatic has the following config:
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "debug",
Homeduino configured as follows:
"plugin": "homeduino",
"driver": "gpio",
"driverOptions": {},
"receiverPin": 23,
"transmitterPin": 4,
"enableReceiving": true,
"debug": true,
"active": true
However I don’t get anything at all from pimatic. Not even an error message.
I’ve also tried using homeduinojs directly. Code posted below. Again, I get nothing at all. Note that calling any of the functions readDHT, readDstSensors or readDstAll on homeduinojs results in “Fatal Error: unknown_command”, so I’m not even sure if homeduinojs is compatible with the vhduino version I’m using.
var Board = require('./lib/board.js')
var board = new Board('gpio', {})
board.on("rfReceive", function(event) {
console.log( 'received:', event.pulseLengths, event.pulses);
board.on("rf", function(event) {
console.log("#{event.protocol}: ", event.values);
board.connect().then(function() {
console.log("board ready")
board.rfControlStartReceiving(0).then(function() {
I feel like I should probably be able to debug this further by running vhduino or RFControl directly, but as I’m struggling with a lack of output, I can’t tell if I’m running these thing in the wrong way.
TL;DR I think my receiver is sending something to the PI, but I’m not even getting any error logs out of pimatic. I’d expect something to say that it’s receiving something unexpected. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to debug this further?
Note that I’m not against getting a new (different) receiver or buying additional components, but obviously I only want to do that if it looks like that’s definitely the problem.