Thank you for your answers. Unfortunately none of them were helpful. Therefore I will try to describe my whole project. On the website I have found a WLAN button for the ESP8266, which seems to fit my needs. At the configuration setting I can enter the HTML command I need to trigger a ButtonDevice with the WLAN button.
The original sketch for the ESP8266 then adds additional parameters (e.g. WachNr, UBatt etc.) to the HTML command. But this does not work with the ButtonDevice of pimatic.
Therefore I omitted these parameters in the URL of the sketch. But now I want to get the value of UBatt displayed in pimatic. Therefore I created a corresponding variable. How can I copy the value of UBatt - which is detected by the sketch - into the variable to display it in pimatic?
As already described, I can use cURL
curl --silent -X PATCH --header "Content-Type:application/json" --user "user:pass" --data '{"type": "value", "valueOrExpression": 3.11, "unit": " Volt"}'
changes the value manually. But now I want to do that from the sketch (automated).
But NOT as described in the link about a PHP server. Is there a possibility?