Hello community,
today I went into a new issue related to “the cube is busy” problem of the eq-3 MAX! system.
When this problem occurs, the temperatureSetpoint of the thermostats changes to undefined.
Every change of the temperatureSetpoint is written to another variable, that stores the current user defined temperature.
In this case undefined is stored and the heating is turned off (4,5°C)
Check for
is not "undefined" or is not ""
doesn’t work.
How could I avoid this issue
when $max-thermostat.temperatureSetpoint changes
then $temp-store = $max-thermostat.temperatureSetpoint
I need something like
when $max-thermostat.temperatureSetpoint changes and isNumber($max-thermostat.temperatureSetpoint)
then $temp-store = $max-thermostat.temperatureSetpoint