Hi guys,
I’m trying to connect pimatic to intelliweb.mastervolt.com via mqtt but i can’t get a connection. This works for me:
mosquitto_sub -h intelliweb.mastervolt.com -p 8883 --cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt --username me@domain.com --pw MYPASSWORD -v -t ‘/IntelliWeb/v1/account/me@domain.com/devices/PRODUCTNR_SERIALNR/monitoringData’
However, this:
"brokerId": "mastervolt",
"host": "intelliweb.mastervolt.com",
"port": 8883,
"certPath": "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
"username": "me@domain.com",
"password": "MYPASSWORD"
Results in this in the logfile:
12:15:00.580 [pimatic-mqtt] info: MQTT Broker mastervolt is offline
12:15:16.124 [pimatic-mqtt] info: Reconnecting to MQTT Broker mastervolt
12:15:17.247 [pimatic-mqtt] info: Reconnecting to MQTT Broker mastervolt
12:15:18.376 [pimatic-mqtt] info: Reconnecting to MQTT Broker mastervolt
I saw this thread but it’s not clear to me what the solution was:
Re: connect Pimatic to Victron-server via MQTT
Can anybody give me a hint to what i’m doing wrong?