Hello together, since 2 weeks I am configure my pimatic system, which a lot of joy and a lot of work. Using the time for sunrise and sunset I plan to switch on/off the light of my garden. But it seems to me, that i het from the system the wrong locations. so the anumbers for long are 37.xxxxxx and for lat are -122.xxxxx (I do not know the excact numbers, but the first 2 digits are correct). This seemed to me is a location in California. So my question is, where may I change these location codes ? I searched in the forum but it seemed that nobody had this problem before ! Thanks for your assistance.
[Solved] get allways wrong location code
Search for you home here and copy the long at lat.
and then paste them in your sunrise config
{ "plugin": "sunrise", "latitude": xx.xxxxx, "longitude": x.xxxx },
Thanks a lot. Seemed to be ok.
Sorry, but I saw, this is not the right part for this question. Really sorry, netx time better.
Don’t worry Manfred, I moved the threat into the Troubleshooting forum.
And now have fun with Pimatic and your garden lightspimatic v0.9 has been released!
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