does anyone know, how to directly answer a Telegram user with the Telegram Plugin? I am only possible to send a massege to all the Telegram recipients and not just to this one, who sent a message to the bot. I want to use that to ask for special sensor value just by a single keyword and not by the given “get device” command. Is that possible?
And I have another question: Is it possible to use run commands without any authentication?
Answer Telegram user
The short answer to both questions is “No, that is currently not possible”. Feature requests for both have been opened previously on Github, and when time allows I will look into considering and implementing these. For the authentication = off feature, there is a security implementation which should be evaluated before I implement obviously.
"Screw the captain. It's the engineer running the ship!"
pimatic-telegram, pimatic-tts, pimatic-woox, pimatic-lg-smart-tv, pimatic-spotify, pimatic-wakeuplight and some not-announced plugins -
OK, thank you for this quick answer!
have a look at the node-red telegram plugin. That has the points you ask for implemented.
Currently recreating my development box and configuring for the Pimatic-Telegram plugin. Will keep you posted.
"Screw the captain. It's the engineer running the ship!"
pimatic-telegram, pimatic-tts, pimatic-woox, pimatic-lg-smart-tv, pimatic-spotify, pimatic-wakeuplight and some not-announced plugins -
Pimatic-Telegram v1.1.8 is now available.
1.1.8 includes updating the telebot package to the current version, including changes and fixes which can be reviewed at github.
Also the feature to disable 2FA has been added to the device configuration (disable2FA - default=off)"Screw the captain. It's the engineer running the ship!"
pimatic-telegram, pimatic-tts, pimatic-woox, pimatic-lg-smart-tv, pimatic-spotify, pimatic-wakeuplight and some not-announced plugins -
@fh261 The second feature request will be implemented soon. I have currently added prototypal functionality on the development branch which is functional. Will need to make some additional changes and test before I will push to release.
"Screw the captain. It's the engineer running the ship!"
pimatic-telegram, pimatic-tts, pimatic-woox, pimatic-lg-smart-tv, pimatic-spotify, pimatic-wakeuplight and some not-announced plugins -
@dan Thank you! That sounds good!
Version 1.1.9 adds the following rule syntax:
when telegram received “command” then send [text | …] telegram to sender “whatever you fancy”‘sender’ is a placeholder for the user sending the command identified in the predicate, and get resolved to the actual user upon execution of the action.
’…telegram to sender…’ can therefore only be used in combination with a ‘telegram received “…”’ predicate."Screw the captain. It's the engineer running the ship!"
pimatic-telegram, pimatic-tts, pimatic-woox, pimatic-lg-smart-tv, pimatic-spotify, pimatic-wakeuplight and some not-announced plugins -
@dan Thank you very much! I’m just going to test it!