I think I have to give up. I don’t have the skills to figure this one out. I was able to create a file on my pi with the report from the smappee which then updates every second automatically. But I can’t figure out how to extract the 3 power consumption values from the report with the log reader. And even if I was able to extract them, then I need to add them up to one number to display in Pimatic. I guess it was just not meant to be for a smappee integration in Pimatic 😐
{"report":"Instantaneous values:<BR>voltage=230.4 Vrms<BR>FFTComponents:<BR>Phase 1:<BR>\tcurrent=0.184 A, activePower=29.333 W, reactivePower=30.911 var, apparentPower=42.614 VA, cosfi=68, quadrant=0, phaseshift=0.0, phaseDiff=0.0<BR>\tFFTComponents:<BR>Phase 2:<BR>\tcurrent=0.104 A, activePower=11.979 W, reactivePower=20.773 var, apparentPower=23.98 VA, cosfi=45, quadrant=0, phaseshift=0.0, phaseDiff=0.0<BR>\tFFTComponents:<BR>Phase 3:<BR>\tcurrent=0.371 A, activePower=54.618 W, reactivePower=65.961 var, apparentPower=85.639 VA, cosfi=63, quadrant=0, phaseshift=0.0, phaseDiff=0.0<BR>\tFFTComponents:<BR><BR><BR>Phase 1, peak active power 4697.049 W at 20/10/2016 19:23:30<BR>Phase 2, peak active power 6522.785 W at 11/11/2016 14:48:50<BR>Phase 3, peak active power 3234.044 W at 21/11/2016 17:56:55<BR>active energy RMS per phase mapping combination<BR>phase mapping 210=1956.698 kWh [ -1/0]<BR>phase mapping 12=1111.021 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 21=972.035 kWh [ 1/3]<BR>phase mapping 102=2698.374 kWh [* 1/3]<BR>phase mapping 120=1433.229 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 201=1288.379 kWh [ -1/2]<BR><BR>active energy RMS (solar) per phase mapping combination<BR>phase mapping 210=0.0 kWh [ -1/0]<BR>phase mapping 12=0.0 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 21=0.0 kWh [ 1/3]<BR>phase mapping 102=0.0 kWh [* 1/3]<BR>phase mapping 120=0.0 kWh [ 1/2]<BR>phase mapping 201=0.0 kWh [ -1/2]<BR><BR>"}