Want to grab data from a website? Here it’s the way to go!

Use case:

  • Share prices

If you want to get share prices you often find solutions using the Yahoo Finance API.

The problem with that is: You will not find share prices in Euro and (as far as I know) only NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock exchange is supported.

So let’s say you want to grab that data from a website.

Just install PhantomJS - a headless WebKit which is really cool. You can install it from source - this takes a few hours but was at least working for me on a RaspberryPi 2.
A much faster solution is described here.

Now let’s say we want to get the share price of Google Inc. A in Euro from Tradegate (a german stock exchange).

Here we get this information:

By reading the page source or - even easier with Firefox Developer Tools -> Inspector we can easily get the class name of this html element:

<span class="leftfloat big" title="aktueller Wert">
     507,90 €

So ‘leftfloat big’ is what we need.

Let’s create a simple JavaScript we can use with PhantomJS

var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('http://kurse.boerse.ard.de/ard/kurse_einzelkurs_uebersicht.htn?i=5864734',function () {
  var returnvalue = page.evaluate(function () {
        return document.getElementsByClassName('leftfloat big')[0].innerHTML;

        var rawValue = returnvalue.replace(/&nbsp;/g,'')
        rawValue = rawValue.replace(/[^\u000A\u0020-\u007E]/g, ' ');
        rawValue = rawValue.replace(/,/g, '.');

Check if it’s working:

phantomjs /pathtoyourscript.js

Now let’s create a ShellSensor device for pimatic to display (and record!) the share price every 5 minutes:

      "id": "share-google",
      "name": "Google Class A",
      "class": "ShellSensor",
      "attributeName": "price",
      "attributeType": "number",
      "attributeUnit": "Euro",
      "command": "phantomjs /pathtoyourscript.js",
      "interval": 300000

Of course please check in advance the terms of usage of the website you are using!

You are welcome to post any other useful ideas for PhantomJS.
Guess there are a lot!

