Hello, since I have changed the OS to Raspbian Stretch, I get from HC-SR04 no more values.
I receive this issue:
11:33:08.306 [pimatic] Loading plugin: "pimatic-ultrasonic" (0.9.0)
11:33:10.777 [pimatic-ultrasonic] Error init HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
"echo": 22,
"trigger": 18,
"id": "wasserstand",
"name": "Wasserstand",
"class": "Ultrasonic",
"interval": 3000
If I create the Plugin new and create the device new, I become this:
I missing the input of echo. Only the trigger is possible.
If I get save, I become this:
Before the change of the OS I had no problems with ultrasonic.
Can somebody help me to fix the mistake?