@leader21 thanks, added.
JQ is installed. Resuming...
Copy the output from here to the forum!
___ _ _ _
/ _ (_)_ __ ___ __ _| |_(_) ___
/ /_)/ | |_ \ _ \ / _/ | __| |/ __|
/ ___/| | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (__
\/ |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___|
Status of Pimatic 0.9.39:
Process running with pid 28059.
Kernel version: 4.1.18+ Node version: v4.4.5 Node location: node: /usr/local/bin/node
NPM version: 2.15.5
WiringPI gpio version: 2.32 GCC++ version: gcc (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2 Checking service script location: /etc/init.d/pimatic
Validating config.json:
Config is valid!
Loading plugins(from config.json):
"shell-execute" "ping" "sunrise" "cron" "homeduino" "sysinfo" "mobile-frontend" "knmi-weather" "pushover" "pushbullet" "ps4waker"
Homeduino version: 0.9.11
Homeduino config: { "plugin": "homeduino", "driver": "serialport", "driverOptions": { "serialDevice": "/dev/ttyUSB0", "baudrate": 115200 }, "receiverPin": 0, "transmitterPin": 4, "debug": true, "enableReceiving": true, "active": true, "rfrepeats": 7 }
Do you want to add pimatic-daemon reports (Y/N)?y
17:44:57.361 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: received: [ 508, 1488, 7056 ] 100101011010011010101010011001101010011001100110100101100101101002 17:44:57.376 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: switch11: { id: 33418, unit: 1, state: false } 17:44:57.412 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: pir3: { id: 29194, unit: 10860, presence: true } 17:50:11.544 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "PING" 17:55:31.571 [pimatic-homeduino] debug: data: "PING"
Number of lines are defined by a variable. Currently set to -5, but could be -50(50 lines)
Also added a jq check that installs if it isnt on your system.
Gonna have to figure out how to pretty print 50 lines hehe. Currently puts it on 1 line.