Hi all,
since I changed my mobile from a OnePlus2 to a Moto Z I have problems to with my presence indication and therefore with some rules. My mobile switches off the WiFi always in doze mode, even I have set WiFi alway on!
I tried many apps to handle it and as well Tasker. Is here somebody who had the same problem and fixed it?
Keep Wifi alive (presence indicator) Android
@OrTiN are you rooted? Did you try wifi heartbeat app? Or notification fix app?
No with my new phone I’m not rooted anymore. Both apps I had not tried till now. Will give it a try. I testet wifi keep alive and some Tasker stuff.
Which router are you using?
@Gleno0h : Tried you mentioned apps no one works for me.
@Swen : A Fritzbox -
@Swen: First test was successful. Thx for the hint and the script!
Nice! You’re welcome.