E.g. I would like to fire a rule every 2 hours at 9:15, 11:15, 13:15,…,22:15. Same with minutes or seconds, and eventually with days.
How to fire rule on interval with a given startpoint?
I think:WHEN your stuff and its 10:15 and every 2 hours THEN your stuff
@Gleno0h I tried this but then it firs still on even hours. 12:00, 14:00… and so on
@Heizelmann could you try instead of 2 hours “and every 120 minutes” ?
Hm just tried a timed rule, it doesnt even trigger…
Apears that every 1 second works and every 10 minutes doesnt work. Anyone else with this issue? -
Still have this issue. As a workaround I did the following, but I am not happy with this because it starts a non-stopable process.
WHEN your stuff and its 10:00 and every 2 hours THEN your stuff after 15 minutes