I’m using a remote control to control hue lights using pimatic-hue-zll
and pimatic-lirc
changing state and colour works perfectly, I have got stuck with increasing the brightness multiple times:
Brightness Up Rule:
when remote of lirc is equal to "AuraGlow" and command of lirc is equal to "BRIGHTNESS_UP" then dim hue DiningRoom to min($DiningRoom.dimlevel + 10, 100)
Brightness Down Rule:
when remote of lirc is equal to "AuraGlow" and command of lirc is equal to "BRIGHTNESS_DOWN" then dim hue DiningRoom to max($DiningRoom.dimlevel - 10, 0)
To be 100% clear:
- The rules trigger once
- If you trigger another rule, by pressing another button, then trigger the original rule it will work as expected
recognizes every press- The pimatic log recognizes every LIRC action, it’s just the rules that are not triggered
Any one got any ideas? seen this before? or need more information? I’ll keep my eyes open for a solution and post back if I figure it out.