Hello, I have a problem with my self-made CulStick. After he worked some days without problems, it has fallen out apparently without reason. Beside the power LED the second LED flashed like mad. I have restarted pimatic. Without success. I have tried a Reset in the Nano. Without success. The CulStick did not want to work again. In the end, helped only one new start of the Raspberry.
I suppose he has fallen out after he has sent concurrent to 5 thermostats. Maybe 1%Regel is the reason. Could this be? This send to these 5 thermostats functioned some days before without problems.
Does somebody know the reason for this failure of the CulStick?
Can I make a rule for a supervision of the CulStick?
Can I restart the CulStick about pimatic, without new start of the Raspberry?
I hope, I have expressed myself understandably.