Hello! i can’t configure log-reader plugin rule:
- added ups-state monitor device:
"id": "apcups-status",
"name": "ИБП",
"class": "LogWatcher",
"file": "/var/log/apcupsd.events",
"attributes": [
"lines": [
"match": "Running on UPS batteries",
"predicate": "on-batteries",
"ups-state": "От батарей"
"match": "UPS running on mains",
"predicate": "on-mains",
"ups-state": "От сети"
- added rule:
"id": "on-batteries",
"name": "on-batteries",
"rule": "when on-batteries then execute \"echo 'fesf'\"",
"active": true,
"logging": true
but after starting pimatic, i get error:
[pimatic] error: Could not parse rule "when on-batteries then execute "echo 'fesf'"": Could not find an provider that decides next predicate of "on-batteries".
can anybody helps 2 me? where is my mistake?