I’m continuing to extend my pimatic installation and especially the automation. My heating control runs fine based on temperatures. Now I did an extension with a presence switch. If someone is at home (presence switch “Anwesend” is switched on), the rule shall start the heating. If nobody is at home (“Anwesend” is switched off), the heating shall not start.
This is the switch config:
"xOnLabel": "Ja",
"xOffLabel": "Nein",
"id": "anwesend",
"name": "Anwesend",
"class": "DummySwitch"
This is the rule for my heating:
"id": "fb-on",
"name": "FB-Wozi-on",
"rule": "when Anwesend is turned on and if S1T of TemperaturWohnzimmer is less than 21 and its after 6:00 and its before 21:00 and Schalter 1.A is turned off and Schalter 1.B is turned off and Schalter 1.C is turned off then turn Schalter 1.A on and turn Schalter 1.B on and turn Schalter 1.C on and push title:\"pimatic@home\" message:\"FBH Wozi EINgeschaltet ($TemperaturWohnzimmer.S1T°C)\" priority:0",
"active": true,
"logging": true
My expectation is, that the heating shall start at 06:00 as “Anwesend” is set to “true”. Temperature is definitely below 21. But it did not start. After a toggle of the switch (on -> off, off -> on) the rule is starting as expected.
What is wrong here?
Did I miss something?
Best regards