If you’re into hacks, here’s what I did with my IP camera.
Take my RTSP stream, and transcode it with ffmpeg+ffserver into a webm video (unfortunately iOS doesn’t support webm either. thanks iOS), and output the video with ffserver into http stream.
Supposedly you could output HLS stream which Apple supports, but I have had no success with that format yet.
ffmpeg transcoding is a bit heavy as a task, so I made buttons for pimatic to start and stop those processes on demand, so they are not always running.

The thing with stream videos is that all mobile operating systems have support for different formats.
- MP4 format is supported with all devices, but can’t be used as a stream because there can not be a playback timeline (mp4 requires this) on a live stream.
- Theora works well, but only on desktop browsers.
- WEBM works with desktop browsers and Android Chrome. iOS does not support it.
- HLS works with iOS and IE edge, but not with firefox/chrome on desktop, and might or might not work on android.