I like to add a camera to my system. Is there any recommendations? It should be display at least every 15s an actual picture.
recommendations for a good but cheap IP camera?
hm… well the question is what resolution you need and if it should be with night vision.
maybe you should not buy cheap ones or nonames.
i am having a cheap china cam here, has been around 30 euro. the colours are really pale and in night vision the whole picture is very strangeley coloured. the resolution is 640x480 as i remember, should have been enough though for me, but if i would buy again i would go for at least 720p instead.
so as said, better invest some more money and don’t be annoyedpimatic v0.9 has been released!
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@xCite86 hey that’s a very good idea!! the question is if you can use the phone on an outside scenario, maybe in a special case. need to investigate that further … but good point!! thx for mentioning!!
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what is worng with this configuration??
"cameraUrl": "", "filename": "", "refresh": 10, "width": 240, "height": 160, "id": "device_plugin_ipcameradevice_camera1", "name": "Camera1", "class": "IpCameraDevice"
maybe no credentials?
that’s my camera device{ "id": "ipcamera-hof", "class": "IpCameraDevice", "name": "Instar Kamera Hof", "filename": "/home/pi/ipcam/ipcam.png", "cameraUrl": "", "refresh": 30000, "width": 340, "height": 240 }
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Is it possible to use an iframe to display the video stream?
a quick fix would be to stop the talking.
edit the base.coffee script located at pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic-ipcamera
now change the line 44 like that
#@plugin.info "screenshot for each : " + id
for me this screenshot info is a useless information. it shows that the plugin is working and recording images. but at short intervals it is very annoying.
you can see that the plugin is working when the picture changes. maybe an optical indication that the button start is “active” = stay blue and when stopped = regular color.edit : since i am not so deep into coding - i cannot tell you about other issues coming up with this quick and dirty hack!! maybe my way of solving this is totally wrong …
@mwittig, what would be the smart solutionpimatic v0.9 has been released!
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