From user @V1per /
First install Raspian Jessie on your SD-Card
Then if you want a static IP open dhcpcd:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
and add this at the end (edit the IP-Adress to your Network):
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Delete old node version
sudo apt-get purge nodejs
Configure jessie with raspi-config:
sudo raspi-config
1. Expand Filesystem
2. Change User Password
3. Internationalisation Options
3.1 Change Locale for German users "de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8" aktivate with the space key and disable "en_GB.UTF8 UTF8" with the space kek then "ok"
3.1.1 Now aktivate "de_DE.UTF-8" and "ok"
go a second time to Internationalisation Options
3.2 Change Timezone and aktivate your timezone
then we are ready and change "Finish"
I recomered to reboot
sudo reboot
Now we update the dispro jessie
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
It’s a good time for a reboot
sudo reboot
Now we install node v4
if pimatic has issues to start, make sure you got the latest node 4 version!
wget -P /tmp
cd /usr/local
sudo tar xzvf /tmp/node-v4.6.2-linux-armv7l.tar.gz --strip=1
Check node version:
/usr/bin/env node --version
Pimatic Installation:
sudo apt-get install build-essential git
cd /home/pi
mkdir pimatic-app
npm install pimatic --prefix pimatic-app --production
Copy the default config file:
cd pimatic-app
cp ./node_modules/pimatic/config_default.json ./config.json
Now you have to set a user and password in the config.json:
sudo nano /home/pi/pimatic-app/config.json
Now we can start pimatic for the first time:
sudo node /home/pi/pimatic-app/node_modules/pimatic/pimatic.js
You see the debug messages from Pimatic if the end shows:
19:31:55.621 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] packing static assets
19:31:56.324 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] packing static assets finished
19:31:56.339 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] rendering html
19:32:10.747 [pimatic-mobile-frontend] rendering html finished
19:32:10.835 [pimatic] Listening for HTTP-request on port 80...
all is OK and you stop Pimatic by pressing “Strg+c” on the keyboard.
Installing globally:
cd ./node_modules/pimatic
sudo npm link
Then pimatic can be used with:
sudo pimatic.js [start|stop|status|restart]
sudo cp pimatic-init-d /etc/init.d/pimatic
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/pimatic
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/pimatic
sudo update-rc.d pimatic defaults
It should now start with:
sudo service pimatic start
Now you can edit the config.json and add devices etc.
or you copy your config.json and database form your old Pimatic installation.
Good Luck!