Feature(s) added:
- Retrieve relay status through API
How is this configured? what’s the interval-time for trigger?
Relay Status through API / Unstable Connection to ESPimatic
Feature(s) added:
- Retrieve relay status through API
How is this configured? what’s the interval-time for trigger?
already possible, the following device taken from the espimatic wiki
"id": "badkamer-bad-main",
"name": "Badkamer bubbelbad stroom",
"class": "ShellSwitch",
"onCommand": "curl --silent --data 'action=relay1&value=on' http://esp-ip/api",
"offCommand": "curl --silent --data 'action=relay1&value=off' http://esp-ip/api",
"getStateCommand": "curl --silent --data 'action=relay1&value=status' http://esp-ip/api",
"interval": 60000
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hmm… ok… then… there is no check if the trigger interval gets a response or no response?
or something like this… because i get sometimes problems on updating… see this thread, too: https://forum.pimatic.org/topic/2017/unstable-connection
usually you are getting a debug/error message at the log if the esp is not reachable when the getstatecommand is executed. at least I do…
the other thread regarding the reachability of your esp chip, well i cannot tell you what’s up there. did you try to move the esp nearby the router? seems like a network issue.
here’s a ping for my two espimatic setups
which esp cihp do you use?
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no network issue… this happens just sometimes… not always… mostly i got a perfect connection…
i’m using a NodeMCU modul… with esp12
well… should we merge bot threads?
that’s the only thing i am missing here at the board software - merging threads …
my esp seems sometimes not to be reachable too for maybe one minute. happens two or three times a day, i only notice it when looking at the debug messages.
the switch tries to get the state and tells pimatic that the host is not reachable. since it does not affect anything i do not care about this.
maybe a general issue on espimatic or even esp?
pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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and it’s good to know, that i’m not the only one…
i think, it’s better to find the cause of this problem… maybe it’s something very basic… and other things do suffer from it, too
so… question is… how to analyse this?
i was able to reproduce the error of not updating relay status…
in my setup i got a relay button that switches automaticaly “on”, when a temperature of a DS18B20 sensor drops below 27°C… when clicking several times fast on the button in the webinterface of pimatic… the relay switches fast on and off, when it’s under 27°C… but sometimes the signal is sent (no error in pimatic) but the relay does not switch… when i stop clicking at this moment, the status of relay and the webinterface-button differ… and there is no update…
i know… this is no real scenario… we’ll never click several times fast a button in a webinterface
but sometimes i also get those different status after boot or so…
maybe this “method” - to reproduce the “problem” - helps to analyse the “problem” of not updating the status?
i think it has something to do with espimatic or the module itself… the modul seems to be unstable in a special way… but i can’t analyse it until i know how to analyse this…
sometimes i get an unstable connection…
# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of Data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=8 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=9 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=10 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=11 Destination Host Unreachable
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=255 time=2716 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=255 time=1940 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=255 time=1264 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=255 time=6096 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=255 time=1286 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=25 ttl=255 time=231 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=26 ttl=255 time=330 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=27 ttl=255 time=353 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=28 ttl=255 time=1094 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=29 ttl=255 time=7562 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=32 ttl=255 time=6087 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=34 ttl=255 time=4354 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=255 time=2701 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=38 ttl=255 time=906 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=39 ttl=255 time=2466 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=40 ttl=255 time=1687 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=42 ttl=255 time=2641 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=43 ttl=255 time=5660 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=44 ttl=255 time=5991 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=45 ttl=255 time=5068 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=48 ttl=255 time=2170 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=50 ttl=255 time=231 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=51 ttl=255 time=910 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=52 ttl=255 time=934 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=53 ttl=255 time=549 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=54 ttl=255 time=1072 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=55 ttl=255 time=308 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=56 ttl=255 time=610 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=57 ttl=255 time=1351 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=58 ttl=255 time=471 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=59 ttl=255 time=2738 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=62 ttl=255 time=950 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=63 ttl=255 time=703 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=64 ttl=255 time=282 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=65 ttl=255 time=202 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=66 ttl=255 time=1761 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=67 ttl=255 time=3312 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=71 ttl=255 time=1360 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=72 ttl=255 time=395 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=73 ttl=255 time=682 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=74 ttl=255 time=604 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=75 ttl=255 time=320 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=76 ttl=255 time=240 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=77 ttl=255 time=1696 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=79 ttl=255 time=1230 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=80 ttl=255 time=427 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=81 ttl=255 time=462 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=82 ttl=255 time=1805 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=83 ttl=255 time=909 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=84 ttl=255 time=223 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=85 ttl=255 time=136 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=88 ttl=255 time=821 ms
as you can see… the ping times vary… but also there is paket loss
this happens from time to time… more often direct after getting power.
so i have to hardreboot modul a few times to get espimatic accessible…
this also leads to inconsistant status of relays… for example: in pimatic relay 1 is still on… but on espimatic it is off… and no update happens… i was waiting several minutes…
maybe you can give me a hint how to analyse this problem…
is it possible to see CPU Usage of ESP module?
maybe i got a problem of electrical-contacts on my breadboard that leads to problems with my ds18b20 sensor… currently i try to eleminate this as a cause…
it’s not only with big ping times… pinglog sometimes vary from < 10ms to several seconds
64 bytes from icmp_seq=894 ttl=255 time=816 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=895 ttl=255 time=679 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=896 ttl=255 time=1260 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=897 ttl=255 time=286 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=898 ttl=255 time=1150 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=900 ttl=255 time=1619 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=901 ttl=255 time=611 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=902 ttl=255 time=384 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=903 ttl=255 time=331 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=904 ttl=255 time=1230 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=905 ttl=255 time=231 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=906 ttl=255 time=4.46 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=907 ttl=255 time=14.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=908 ttl=255 time=7.58 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=909 ttl=255 time=20.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=910 ttl=255 time=42.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=911 ttl=255 time=195 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=912 ttl=255 time=66.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=913 ttl=255 time=137 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=914 ttl=255 time=9.26 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=915 ttl=255 time=10.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=916 ttl=255 time=14.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=917 ttl=255 time=33.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=918 ttl=255 time=2299 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=919 ttl=255 time=6250 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=920 ttl=255 time=5298 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=921 ttl=255 time=4331 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=923 ttl=255 time=2539 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=926 ttl=255 time=3631 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=927 ttl=255 time=3710 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=930 ttl=255 time=1839 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=932 ttl=255 time=16.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=933 ttl=255 time=821 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=934 ttl=255 time=25.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=935 ttl=255 time=231 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=936 ttl=255 time=445 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=937 ttl=255 time=6.17 ms
p.s. i deleted the content of the other thread… and changed topic of this one
errors are still very unstable for itself
12:42:07.267 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
12:42:07.297 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
12:42:07.342 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
12:42:07.368 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
13:59:37.499 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
13:59:40.653 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
11:57:51.785 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
12:14:00.217 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
14:38:30.272 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
08:08:01.500 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
08:08:01.528 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
08:08:01.564 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
08:08:01.623 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
08:11:05.680 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
08:11:19.389 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
08:21:04.922 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:39:33.586 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:39:36.602 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:40:35.158 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:40:38.159 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:40:38.186 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:40:44.154 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:57:56.378 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
10:54:43.483 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
10:54:43.738 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
10:54:43.804 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
14:06:37.140 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
14:06:37.178 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
14:06:37.209 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
14:06:37.231 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
15:46:06.748 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
15:46:06.786 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
15:46:08.789 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
15:52:09.871 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
15:52:09.891 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
15:52:12.870 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
15:56:30.645 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
15:57:33.781 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
16:09:43.189 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
16:09:47.802 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
16:18:16.345 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
16:45:45.114 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
16:50:42.872 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
16:54:12.434 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
16:57:24.469 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
16:59:52.985 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
17:02:11.340 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
17:09:25.658 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
17:11:52.089 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
17:17:04.922 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
19:44:47.099 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
19:44:47.150 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
19:44:47.171 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
19:51:36.579 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
19:53:49.089 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
19:58:24.026 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
20:00:15.191 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:03:02.413 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:03:26.447 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:05:38.251 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:06:38.623 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:12:39.468 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:13:09.376 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:14:27.597 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:14:42.870 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:16:01.699 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:17:35.074 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:26:08.538 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
20:27:42.739 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:30:03.416 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:30:13.274 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
20:30:19.180 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
20:31:18.368 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:32:20.162 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:32:20.201 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:33:10.821 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:37:37.079 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:38:42.472 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:40:00.641 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:40:03.673 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:40:12.851 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:42:31.304 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:43:29.167 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:44:05.578 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
20:46:28.931 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
20:55:33.152 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:00:00.496 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:01:10.553 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:02:28.722 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:04:26.384 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:06:35.857 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:12:39.706 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:13:33.978 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:14:50.654 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:18:50.486 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:18:53.492 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:26:12.405 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:27:15.273 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:33:57.657 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:38:16.066 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 7 (Error: Command failed:)
21:38:40.281 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:40:53.733 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay1] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:49:19.002 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:49:51.514 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay3] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
21:50:29.189 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 52 (Error: Command failed:)
21:59:35.201 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay4] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)
09:08:01.947 [pimatic-shell-execute] error: [ShellSwitch#espimatic-relay2] Error: Command execution failed with exit code 56 (Error: Command failed:)