We proudly announce the release of pimatic v0.9 !
We kept our promise to publish pimatic in June, so here we go
Major features
- Rules
- We introduced ECA rules: The rule syntax changes fromif conditions then actions
when events and if condition then actions
, where theand if condition
part is optional.
- Rules will not be automatically triggered at startup anymore. - Devices editing
- Devices can be edited in the gui using forms, generated from the config schemas.
- Devices can be updated, added and removed at runtime without restart.
- There is a new auto-discovery feature, where plugins can scan for supported devices and present a list of discovered devices to the user. - Plugins configuration
- Plugins configuration can be edited in the gui using forms, generated from the config schemas.
Most of you will update from v0.8 to v0.9, so here are the steps to consider what you need to know about the update process.
- Make a backup of your current system (ideally keep an image backup of your sd-card or disk on which you have the OS and pimatic installed)
- Make sure you have a copy of your config.json at hand when you install the new pimatic release. You can use your actual config.json, pimatic is going to convert it automatically at the first run then.
- Consider upgrading to the latest version of Raspbian before you begin. Wheezy can cause some trouble with gcc Check here for more inormation
- It is recommended to completely remove Nodejs (see the last section of this post). Install the latest version 4 LTS release of NodeJS. For all Raspberry Pi models including Pi 3, choose the ARMv7 build (see the getting started guide).
- If you start with fresh system no nodejs should be installed
Plugin compatibility information
As not all plugins have been revised yet by their maintainers, maybe you should consider to have a closer look at the link below before having serious trouble after the update. Pimatic 0.9 Plugins status document.
- Marked green: Works with pimatic 0.9. However, there still may be issues. Check log messages while testing
- Marked yellow: Efforts have been taken to make the plugin code ready for 0.9. Typically, a pull request is pending
- Marked red: Not supported
- Not marked: Status unknown
- Plus sign on penultimate colum: Plugin supports device discovery
Removing the old NodeJS (v0.10) installation
- Check where NodeJS is installed:
whereis node
. This should output the path of node (for example/usr/local/bin/node
). - Remove all binaries and the node_modules folder:
sudo rm -r /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/local/lib/node_modules
- Check that NodeJS is gone:
node --version
. It should outputcommand not found
Update process from v0.8 to v0.9
First remove the old nodejs version (see above), then install the latest node4.x.x release (see checkist above) then go ahead :
sudo service pimatic stop
cd /home/pi
sudo mv pimatic-app pimatic-v08
sudo mkdir pimatic-app && sudo npm install pimatic --prefix pimatic-app --production
sudo cp pimatic-v08/config.json pimatic-app/config.json
sudo pimatic.js
Check the debug messages for errors. If all is good, pimatic should start as usual.
Clear the browser cache to avoid issues with v0.8 pages !
If you want / need to you can copy your v0.8 database with
cp /home/pi/pimatic-v08/pimatic-database.sqlite /home/pi/pimatic-app
Guide for installation from scratch (no update!)
Please check here for information on fresh installation
Remark :
when you are missing debug data eg. for homeduino set the following at your config.json to get the maximum output :
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "debug",
Now have fun with pimatic v0.9 !
Remember : If there are questions about the update or installation process use our special category here on the forum