So i have a few problems getting my Elro Switches running.
I was using pilight, but want to get rid of it, for now without the arduino, the sender & receiver are directly connected to my pi.
I activated the Homeduino Plugin:
“plugin”: “homeduino”,
“driver”: “gpio”,
“driverOptions”: {},
“receiverPin”: 1,
“transmitterPin”: 0
Under Pilight it worked with these settings:
"Steckdose3": {
"name": "Steckdose3",
"protocol": [ "elro_hc" ],
"id": [{
"systemcode": 3,
"unitcode": 27
"state": "off"
When i try to use the Switch3 Protocol, with Housecode 3 and unitcode 27, nothing happens.
somehwere i read i could use just the dip settings in binary so i entered the following:
“id”: “rfswitch3”,
“name”: “RFSwitch2”,
“class”: “HomeduinoRFSwitch”,
“protocols”: [
“name”: “switch3”,
“options”: {
“houseCode”: “11100”,
“unitCode”: “00100”,
“state”: “off”
It switches, but in reverse order: when i set it to on in the webgui it goes off and vise versa.
I got the hint to use the switch2 protocol as ist should just be reversed but that didn’t help.
I get the feeling that the setting with housecode & unitcode is not right…does anybody have a hint?