The ESP Easy firmware can be used to turn the ESP module into an easy multifunction sensor/actuator device for Home Automation solutions like Pimatic. Configuration of the ESP Easy is entirely web based, so once you’ve got the firmware loaded, you don’t need any other tool besides a common web browser.
Tools Firmware update using OTA or upload binary file over GUI.
supporting HW
// Switch inputs (switch, pushbutton, pir etc.)
// direct GPIO output control to drive relais, mosfets, etc
// Analog input (ESP-7/12 only)
// Pulse counters
// Dallas OneWire DS18b20 temperature sensors
// DHT11/22 humidity sensors
// BMP085 I2C Barometric Pressure sensor
// PCF8591 4 port Analog to Digital converter (I2C)
// RFID Wiegand-26 reader
// MCP23017 I2C IO Expanders
// BH1750 I2C Luminosity sensor
// Arduino Pro Mini with IO extender sketch, connected through I2C
// LCD I2C display 4x20 chars
// HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor
// SI7021 I2C temperature/humidity sensors
// TSL2561 I2C Luminosity sensor
// TSOP4838 IR receiver
// PN532 RFID reader
// Sharp GP2Y10 dust sensor
// PCF8574 I2C IO Expanders
// PCA9685 I2C 16 channel PWM driver
// OLED I2C display with SSD1306 driver
// MLX90614 I2C IR temperature sensor
// ADS1115 I2C ADC
// INA219 I2C voltage/current sensor
// BME280 I2C temp/hum/baro sensor
// Experimental/Preliminary:
// =========================
// Ser2Net server (serial over network)
// Local Level Control to GPIO
More info about HW
- http generic protocol - (After a simple adjustment would it be able to communicate with Pimatic via API, If you would be interested, let me know.)
- http commands (Actuator can be controlled via http commands, not even in ESPEasy configure anything!) e.g. http://<ESPIPaddress>/control?cmd=PWM,<pin>,<level>
- mqtt protocol (In pimatic fully supported via MQTT plugin). Including the response to the external condition.
- json data (Simple json object) over http://<ESPIPaddress>/json
- Serial Commands over web interface
Very interesting feature is the Local level control that lets you control GPIO according to the values of sensors/GPIO state directly in firmware. Thus, without an external control system or in combination.