Good morning all,
since yesterday i am experiencing some troubles with the ping-presence plugin not seeing my NAS (always on, hardwired to router with fixed IP) and phone…
Anybody else experiening same like issues??
[Solved] Troubles with Ping Presence
Good morning all,
since yesterday i am experiencing some troubles with the ping-presence plugin not seeing my NAS (always on, hardwired to router with fixed IP) and phone…
Anybody else experiening same like issues??
maybe the NAS fall in sleepmode or something like suspend… try to ping it manually from PC with ping or hping3 from the raspberry…
do you have problem with the NAS only or other network-devices too??
Just tested it but I don’t have that problem, pimatic is up to date.
Isn’t your NAS blocking the ping?
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@Stokstaart Please check whether or not pinging your NAS succeeds on your Raspi, i,e. by executing the ping command on Raspi.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
Thanks for all the replies, but this always functioned normally!
Yesterday evening is checked if my phone was no more connected but it still was (on the fixed IP) As far as i know my NAS never looses his IP and has always responded to pings.
Only thing that has changed since yesterday is i connected the “Home Easy” gateway to the main router, i’ll try to do some more testing this evening…to be continued!
EDIT*) Found it! looks like it was a bad idea plugging in that WIFI dongle and leaving the ethernetcable connected! Disabeling the WIFI ressurected the ping module. Still weird because this WIFI dongle has been plugged in for some days now…
@Stokstaart said:
Disabeling the WIFI ressurected the ping module. Still weird because this WIFI dongle has been plugged in for some days
Great, you found the problem. Sounds like the network interface for your wifi dongle has been selected as the (default) route for your LAN. That’s weird if it was eth0 before. It should work via Wifi though if properly connected to the network.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
A failed response suggests that a connection is broken somewhere. Use the following ping failure messages to troubleshoot problems: No reply from Indicates that the destination routes are handy however that there is a hassle with the destination itself. is unreachable. I got a site where you will see some additional methods to resolve this problem.