Very interesting device:
5 channel LED Dimmer with ESP8266
Pimatic = Smart Home
@wutu Thanks for sharing this! I’ll try to order some
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
Finally, there are two pieces.
I have not tested original soft. Straight flash ESPEasy. Just need to add pin headers.Plug in a USB adapter and flash.
The GPIOs are used as follows:
Pin Function
15 Output red
13 Output green
12 Output blue
14 Output white 1
4 Output white 2
1 Internal LED green / Signal
5 Internal LED red / PowerHW config for the release gpio4 and to adjust status LED:
Pimatic example config for mqtt plugin:
{ "id": "dimmer-kitchen-r", "name": "Dimmer Kitchen Red", "class": "MqttDimmer", "topic": "h801wifi/pwm/15", "resolution": 1024 }, { "id": "dimmer-kitchen-g", "name": "Dimmer Kitchen Green", "class": "MqttDimmer", "topic": "h801wifi/pwm/13", "resolution": 1024 }, { "id": "dimmer-kitchen-b", "name": "Dimmer Kitchen Blue", "class": "MqttDimmer", "topic": "h801wifi/pwm/12", "resolution": 1024 }, { "id": "dimmer-kitchen-w1", "name": "Dimmer Kitchen W1", "class": "MqttDimmer", "topic": "h801wifi/pwm/14", "resolution": 1024 }, { "id": "dimmer-kitchen-w2", "name": "Dimmer kitchen W2", "class": "MqttDimmer", "topic": "h801wifi/pwm/4", "resolution": 1024 }
The device is ideally suited for smaller installations. It is also possible to emulate the Philips Hue or Milight (I have not tested.).
For the money I am very satisfied
EDIT: I recommend not involve TTL and external power adapter simultaneously.
Pimatic = Smart Home
Yesterday evening I managed to get this great little block to work so I can finally replace my way-to-cheap annoying 433 controller:
This H801 performs very well, a nice dimming resolution and works well with pimatic/mqtt.
hehe, yeah, these cheap RF led controler are a real pain!
we implemented them with the led protocols but for me that never really worked well.
when switching led strips with pimatic my RF outlets were switching too.pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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If you want to use the original firmware:
Pimatic = Smart Home
With mini PIR this device is much more usability.
EDIT: I used the smallest mini PIR.
If anyone would like more detailed information, please write. I write detailed instructions.Pimatic = Smart Home
hey that’s nice! i ordered that device two weeks ago and am curious about it!
pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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Hey @leader21, watch out for this explanation -
Pimatic = Smart Home