@Oitzu looks good is it possible to define a refresh interval?
[implemented] Device that shows a iframe with an external webpage
pimatic rocks!
@Yves911 said:
@Oitzu looks good is it possible to define a refresh interval?
Don’t know how to implement that atm… mostly because i would need to use an javascript to refresh the iframe and i have no clue on how to use the data-binding on a js-function.
But i released 0.0.2 with the posibillity to configure border and scrolling.
@Oitzu It’ll be great if it is possible to optionally scale the iframe content. To investigate this I have fiddled a proof of concept. Frontend Developers, pls let me know if there is a fancier solution. If anticipated, I am happy to implement the feature.
EDIT: Added PR - https://github.com/Oitzu/pimatic-iframe/pull/1
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
@Oitzu said:
But i released 0.0.2 with the posibillity to configure border and scrolling.
That works ! thanks
pimatic rocks!
@mwittig looks good.
Thanks for adding a PR.
Thanks for also fixing the typo i’ve done.Published it (0.0.3) on npm.
I have also implemented the “refresh interval”. I have added a property “reload” which takes the number of seconds for the interval, 0 = no reload.
"It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.", Hofstadter's Law
@mwittig thanks again!
0.0.4 with reload function released.