same for me, they don’t react for led1 protocol ether (with your RF Control)
[Solved] Another RF LED Stripe Device
@Icesory i’ll try it later this week. I`m in the middle of my exams
i guess you mean this one? RFControl Dev
Okay… i could not wait to test it^^
No changes here with the dev version of RFControl:13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: led2: { id: 21783, command: 'on/off' } 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: led1: { id: 697056, command: 'on/off' } 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: contact2: { id: 700047, contact: false } 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: pir2: { unit: 21, id: 11, presence: true } 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch7: { unit: 0, id: 1, state: false } 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: switch5: { id: 700047, unit: 0, all: true, state: false } 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: received: [ 415, 1203, 12668 ] 01100110011001100101011001101010010101010101011002 13:40:25debug [pimatic-homeduino]: data: "RF receive 415 1203 12668 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101010101011002"
sorry i’m short of time at the moment.
will test it soon and report.pimatic v0.9 has been released!
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ok took the time to check it out.
can confirm that there’s an issue. i also cannot switch the device via pimatic.
i first tried to use the “command: on/off”. then i tried with “command: 00000001” but both without success. so I tried with mode and speed the same way but also without success.
I even moved the device appr. 1 m close to the pi to exclude RF transmitting errors.i did what you said ronny, i cloned your command-repo and copied the lib to the node folder of pimatic-homeduino/rfcontrol/lib. also i have flashed your homeduino to the nano already a few weeks ago. the was also changed as written above.
so i guess, everything should be like you described.if there’s anything that i could do to help you in this matter please let me know!
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I have two ideas what the problem could be.
Eventually we need to repeat the message oftener.
To do this you can change this line
Toreturn "" + id + commandcode + "02" + id + commandcode + "02";
The other idea I have is that the controller cares about the state of the timings.
The data are transmitted in am on off keying of the carrier frequency. In pimatic we measure the time between the toggles and don’t care about the state of the signal. An example
We receive a message like this
[numbers are time length of the state]|-1000-|-500-|-1000-|-1000-| Is it this ________ _________ | |____| |_______| or this ______ _________ |______| |_______| |
Normally the arduino sends the first state as a high state. This is logical the normal way.
pimatic rocks!!!
@Icesory said:
return "" + id + commandcode + "02" + id + commandcode + "02";
tried this but without success. i will move the device closer to the pi again, but i doubt that will help.
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Can some one capture the raw timings with pilight or RFControl?
pimatic rocks!!!
I had some time and checked the codes with RFControl:
if i send the raw code (from RF receive) i have to send it twice (repeat 2) or it will not work.
and here are the raw codes from RFControl:
ON/OFF : RF receive 420 1197 12648 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101010101011002 DEMO: RF receive 420 1198 12644 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011001010102 MODE+: RF receive 421 1198 12676 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101010110011002 MODE-: RF receive 426 1191 12652 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011001101002 SPEED+: RF receive 420 1197 12696 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011001011002 SPEED-: RF receive 427 1190 12676 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101010110101002 COLOR+: RF receive 421 1196 12652 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011001100102 COLOR-: RF receive 427 1190 12676 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011010011002 BRIGHT+: RF receive 424 1194 12652 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011010010102 BRIGHT-: RF receive 428 1188 12660 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010010101011010101002
I started to get a new protocol “led3” going, but I did not get very far. My programming skills are very limited
@Icesory I just updated my led3 protocol and tested it on my pi.
Like I said in my previous post the control of the led stripe works, when I send the raw code with RFControl twice.
I checked my id and any commands and they are right. But I can`t get the protocol to work.
Perhaps (I am not really aware of wireless codes) our problem has to do with this part of the code (marked with):
ON/OFF :RF receive 420 1197 12648 0 0 0 0 0 01100110011001100101011001101010 0101010101010110 Pulse length ???? ID of the controller command
the protocol can be found here: -
@leader21 has send me two of this devices.
Tomorrow, i mean today i will work on this.@frosenheimer thanks for your work. Good to know that it is possible with the raw codes.
Stay tuned.
pimatic rocks!!!
Its done
Can some one test it? then it will be published.pimatic rocks!!!
i’ll give it a try this afternoon and will report!
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@Icesory now it gets crazy^^ On/off works, but any other button doesnt
@frosenheimer can you post a picture of you remote.
pimatic rocks!!!
Okay. I found a stupid failure in the encoding of the RF message. Now it works as expected.
The problem is, that this cheap things are don´t care about an ID. Whatever you set as ID it is working.pimatic rocks!!!
@Icesory you are the king
It is working fine now!
Thanks for your work. -
@Icesory have you made any progress with the wifi controller?
pimatic/pimatic#348Follow my domotica project on
Could someone tell me if this device is supported by pimatic?
I would like to be able to change colors and brightness from pimatic…pimatic rocks!
Yes it is supported as led3
pimatic rocks!!!