This feature request is to get your opinions on whether or not pimatic should support XMPP aka Jabber. Other home automation frameworks like FHEM and openHAB do, but in my opinion it does not make sense to implement stuff just for the feature list, which nobody will use.
So, what can XMPP be used for? Generally, I can envisage the following general uses cases:
- It can be used as a standardized an open solution for push notifications, e.g. if you want to receive status notifications on your mobile. The matter has been briefly discussed in the context of WhatApp notifications, see The are community driven XMPP servers which can be used for this purpose -
- It can be used to remote control pimatic using XMPP messages (either XML messages or plain text with a simple markup where the latter would allow for controlling entities through a XMPP chat client). Personally, I am not favor of this as this raises some security concerns which are difficult
- it can be used as a message oriented middleware (MOM) service, to integrate pimatic with application services. However, I don’t think XMPP is good choce here as most applications services use other MOM services such as MQTT. Moreover, I think MQTT is a lot easier to use than XMPP when you think about developing new applications, e.g. a mobile application publishing status updates which will be finally processed by a pimatic consumer. See also
In summary, I am in favor of use case 1, but you may have different views on this. Your feedback on this is highly appreciated.
If you your are in favor of a XMPP plugin, please upvote. Thanks.
See also